That's when we arrived. I was very tired but still completely awaken. Kristine asked me to wait outside and I didn't understand why Orane had such a great smile when I saw Kristine coming out of the house with an american flag et hanging it next to the front door for me lol. So cool right!!!
mercredi 16 janvier 2008
Le drapeau
That's when we arrived. I was very tired but still completely awaken. Kristine asked me to wait outside and I didn't understand why Orane had such a great smile when I saw Kristine coming out of the house with an american flag et hanging it next to the front door for me lol. So cool right!!!
Retrouver Orane
I walked a bit in the airport to find Orane et we finally saw each other close from the luggages place. Kristine had come alone with Orane, Brad had to stay with the kids. We got in the trunk of the car (having 2 seats especially fot that) and it took us 40 minutes to get back home by the Portland ringroad. First vision of the city by night.
We boarded in a plane twice smaller than the one from Brussels-Atlanta and a was seating at the last seat with a fourty-year-old man with whom I also talked for a small hour. After I tried to sleep so the flight seemed to me to have last like 20 minutes. Arrived there at around 10.40 PM, I went to take my luggages who had arrived (fiuu), but I realised there that people could come in the airport and could go everywhere in the airport so Orane could be anywhere. At my boarding gate, at luggages, anywhere. I saw the old lady I had talked with and we talked again, waiting the luggages. She and her family proposed me to call the Larsons but it would have been useles because I thought the had all left to come and fetch me at the airport.
I arrived at Atlanta an hour late et I had 2 hours to wait for my flight to Portland (Oregon). There, we had to wait 3 quaters to pass the immigration. When it was my turn, he took my fingerprints and a picture (°_0) then the guy saw I had forgotten to fill in the back of the document and asked me question like "do you carry a weapon" or "do you carry explosives" (double °_0) so I told him "Do i look like a terrorist?" Fortunately, he laughed^^. In Atlanta I moved around in the airport and I went to drink something at Starbucks. People were very nice. In the stores, people ask you if everything suits you and if you're ok. At the beginning it feels weird. During my walk, I saw a lot of Gi's and there, seing them all there, I couldn't help to take a picture. Our plane to Portland had been very much delayed because people wanted to board at the last minute. I spoke with an old lady very nice for an our and a half. We have finally been allowed to board for a 5 hours trip at 6.25 PM local time.
Now, after the presentation, let begin to talk about the real subject!! I left Brussels national airport by the flight Delta 125 destination Atlanta (Georgia). I was supposed to leave Brussels ground at 10.30 AM but a delay on the flightmade me take the next one, the one from 11.30 AM. Here's my plane at 11.30 in front on the gate. Coming, a 9 hours travel.
dimanche 13 janvier 2008
La ville fut fondée par trois pionniers (David Hill, Isaiah Kelsey, et Richard Williams) qui vinrent dans la vallée de la rivière Tualatin en 1841. Ils furent suivis par six autres pionniers en 1842. La communauté était alors connue sous deux noms : East Tualatin Plains et Columbia. Elle fut nommée Hillsborough en 1850 en l'honneur de David Hill parce qu'il avait vendu une partie de ses terres au comté. Cette même année, Hillsborough fut désignée siège du comté. L'orthographe du nom fut ensuite simplifiée pour Hillsboro. En 1867, la première liaison par bateau à vapeur assure un transport jusqu'à Hillsboro. En 1871 la ligne ferroviaire fut construite au sud de Hillsboro suite à un conflit antre les habitants et la compagnie ferroviaire (la liaison ferroviaire ne fut assurée qu'à partir de 1908). La ville fut incorporée en 1876.
Située au nord de l'Oregon, c'est la plus grande ville de l'État et son principal port. L'agglomération peuplée de 2100000 habitants concentre une activité économique importante. Avec Portland, les villes faisant partie de l'agglomération sont Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsboro, Clackamas, Damascus, Gladstone, King City, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Oregon City, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, West Linn, Wilsonville plus d'autres villes situées dans l'État de Washington.
Situated in the north of Oregon, it's the biggest city of the state and his main port. The built-up area populated by 2100000 inhabitants concentrate a big economical activity. Portland included, the other big cities in the built-up area are Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsboro, Clackamas, Damascus, Gladstone, King City, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Oregon City, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, West Linn, Wilsonville plus other cities situated in the washington state.
Un peu d'histoire
A few lines of History: it has the nickname of "The Beaver State", Oregon became state of the USA on the 14th of February 1859. The first inhabitants of Oregon were the american indians in tribes: Bannock, Chinook, Klamath and Pierced Nose. In 1803, president Thomas Jefferson sent 2 explorers, Lewis & Clark to the discovery of the new territories, including Oregon. From 1830, missions come to colonize the west territories. Oregon develops itself and becomes a state in 1859
samedi 12 janvier 2008
On situe 2
Now that you see where Oregon is, let me introduce you to the small city where i lived for a month, Hillsboro. It's very close from Portland, the second main city of Oregon. Once more, follow the arrow.
On situe 1
Prenons les Etats-Unis à la loupe, l'Oregon c'est ici, suivez la flèche à l'ouest. C'est sur la côte pacifique,au dessus de la Californie.
So, now you will ask me: "But where is Oregon??"
Lets look to the US with a magnifying glass, Oregon is right here, follow the arrow on the west. It's on the pacific coast, above California.
La joie de pouvoir partir
Alie loves the us
Here it is, i will finally, after few months, create my blog on which i'll publish the pictures of my trip to the United States. It's the most beautiful trip i've ever done of all my life. I met there extraordinary friends and families. Of course, as i'll invite them to visit this website, it will be bilingual. Warning: in the menu on the right, the oldest messages are on the bottom.